15 Jun 2012

Inspiration at the show

 father's day animal cards were abundant.  I also managed to do a quick ten minute sketch of the scene below us, if you can imagine cows. The stand went well and sales mostly of farm  moooing for 8 hours you will get the picture!!!!!!

More from the show

The Staffordshire County Show

Last week as a member of www.simplystaffordshire.co.uk i helped Emily on her stand at Staffordshire County show.  We had a good two days up above the indoor arena, with all the sights and sounds that only a building full of cattle and sheep can make.  In between manning the fort I took off into the show to see what I could find......

There was a curious wig in a cage, Lots of sheep and wayward pigs and even the actual  FA cup!!!!!

1 Jun 2012

Squirrels hanging out the bunting for the Diamond Jubilee

With the Diamond Jubilee reaching it's peak this weekend I have even caught the squirrels hanging out their bunting!!!! I am hoping that the sun shines on everyone's celebrations, have a great weekend.